Duo Functions

This section shows examples of the definitions of the analytical functions supported in Duo.

Potential energy funcitons

Extended Morse Oscillator EMO

V(r)=T_{\rm e} + (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e})\left( 1 - \exp\left\{-\beta_{\rm EMO}(r) (r-r_{\rm e})\right\} \right)^2,

which has the form of a Morse potential with a exponential tail and the distance-dependent exponent coefficient

\beta_{\rm EMO}(r) =  \sum_{i=0}^N a_i y_p^{\rm eq}(r)^i,

expressed as a simple power series in the reduced variable:

y_p^{\rm e}(r) = \frac{r^p-r_{\rm e}^p}{r^p+r_{\rm e}^p}

with p as a parameter. This form guarantees the correct dissociation limit and allows for extra flexibility in the degree of the polynomial on the left or on the right sides of a reference position R_{\rm ref} which we take at R_{\rm ref} = r_{\rm e}. This is specified by the parameters N= N_{l} (N_{r}) and p= p_{l} (p_{r}), respectively.


poten 2
name "a 3Piu"
symmetry u
type  EMO
lambda 1
mult   3
Te          0.81769829519421E+03
Re          0.13115676812526E+01
Ae          0.50960000000000E+05
RREF       -0.10000000000000E+01
PL          4
PR          4
NL          2
NR          3
a0          0.21868146887665E+01
a1          0.88875855351916E-01
a2          0.84932592800179E-01
a3          0.23343175838290E+00

Taylor expansion around r_0:

V(r) = T_{\rm e} + (A_{\rm e} - T_{\rm e}) a_0^2 (r-r_0)^2 + (A_{\rm e} - T_{\rm e}) \left( p \frac{a_0 a_1}{r_e} - a_0^3 \right) (r-r_0)^3 + \cdots

Morse Long-Range (MLR) function MLR

V(r) = T_{\rm e}+ (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e}) \left(1 - \frac{u_{\textrm{LR}}(r)} {u_{\textrm{LR}}(r_e)} \exp\left\{ -\beta_{\rm MLR}(r) y_p^{\textrm{eq}}(r)\right\}\right)^2,

where the radial variable y_p^{\rm eq} in the exponent, the long-range potential u_{\textrm{LR}}(r) by V(r)\to u_{\rm LR}(r) = \sum_{n} \frac{C_n}{r^n} while the exponent coefficient function

\beta_{\rm MLR}(r) = y_p^{\rm{ref}}(r)\, \beta_{\infty}  +  \left[1 -y_p^{\textrm{ref}}(r)\right] \sum_{i=0} a_i[y_q^{\textrm{ref}}(r)]^i

is defined in terms of two radial variables which are similar to y_p^{\rm eq}, but are defined with respect to a different expansion center r_textrm{ref}, and involve two different powers, p and q. The above definition of the function \beta_{\rm MLR}(r) means that:

\beta_{\rm MLR}(r\to\infty)  \equiv  \beta_{\infty}  =  \ln[2D_{\rm e}/u_{\textrm{LR}}(r_{\rm e})].


poten 6
name "d 3Pig"
symmetry g
lambda 1
mult   3
type  MLR
  Te        0.20151357236994E+05
  RE        0.12398935933004E+01
  AE        0.50960000000000E+05        link   1   1   3
  RREF     -0.10000000000000E+01
  P         0.40000000000000E+01
  NL        0.20000000000000E+01
  NR        0.80000000000000E+01
  b0        0.30652655627150E+01
  b1       -0.93393246763924E+00
  b2        0.45686541184906E+01
  b3       -0.37637923145046E+01
  b4       -0.41028177891391E+01
  b5        0.00000000000000E+00
  b6        0.00000000000000E+00
  b7        0.00000000000000E+00
  b8        0.00000000000000E+00
  a1        0.00000000000000E+00
  a2        0.00000000000000E+00
  a3        0.00000000000000E+00
  a4        0.00000000000000E+00
  a5        0.00000000000000E+00
  a6        192774.
  a7        0.00000000000000E+00
  a8        0.00000000000000E+00

Coxon and Hajigeorgiou’s MLR3 Morse Long-Range with Douketis Damping MLR_3

The MLR3 potential function is described by Coxon and Hajigeorgiou, JCP 132 (2010) - an adapted form of the standard MLR potential with an additional parameter a in the radial variable y. The form of the potential is given by:

V(r) = D_{e} + \left(1 - \frac{u_{\textrm{LR}}(r)} {u_{\textrm{LR}}(r_e)} \exp\left\{ -\phi_{\rm MLR3}(r) y_{p,a}(r, r_e)\right\}\right)^2, \text{ where } y_{p, a}(r, r_e) = \frac{r^p - r_e^p}{r^p - ar_e^p}

and the the long-range potential function is given by:

u_{\rm LR}(r) = \sum_{n} D_n(r) \frac{C_n}{r^n}

Here Duo uses the generalised Douketis damping functions, defined as:

D_n(r) = \left(1 - \exp \left[ - \frac{b(s) (\rho r)}{n} - \frac{c(s) (\rho r)^2}{\sqrt{n}} \right] \right)^{m+s}

with \rho = \frac{2\rho_A\rho_B}{\rho_A + \rho_B} where \rho_A = \left(I_p^A / I_p^H\right)^{2/3} and I_p^H is the ionisation potential of the hydrogen atom. The \phi_\text{MLR3}(r) function is given by:

\phi_\text{MLR3} (r) = y_m(r, r_\text{ref}) \phi_\text{MLR3} (\infty) + \left[ 1 - y_m(r, r_\text{ref}) \right] \sum_{i=0}^{N_\phi} \phi_i y_q(r, r_\text{ref})^i


y_{m,q} (r, r_\text{ref}) = \left( \frac{r^{m,q} - r_\text{ref}^{m,q} }{r^m + r_\text{ref}^{m,q}} \right) \text{ and } \phi_\text{MLR3}(\infty) = \ln\left(\frac{2D_e}{u_\text{LR}(r_e)}\right)

where r_\text{ref} is some expansion centre, usually r_\text{ref} >> r_e.

Most parameters in the input file have a one-to-one correspondence with those in the above equations. The parameter V0 can be set greater than zero if the dissociation energy, D_e is not defined relative to the potential minimum (i.e D_e \rightarrow D_e - V_0).

Further parameters that do not have obvious definitions are NPWRS and NPHIS. The former specifies the number of inverse power terms to include in the long-range function, and is followed by the order of each power term (in the example below, the first power term is \frac{1}{r^6}, the second is \frac{1}{r^8}, etc.), the coefficients C_n are then specified (COEF1, COEF2, etc.). The parameter NPHIS specifies the number of \phi_i terms to include in the exponent function, and is followed by a list of their values.

An example input is given below for HF molecule. The parameters are taken from `Coxon & Hajigeorgiou, JQSRT 151, 133-154 (2015) <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.08.028>.`_

poten 1
name "X1Sigma+"
symmetry +
lambda 0
mult 1
type MLR3
units cm-1 angstroms
V0      0.
RE      0.91683897
DE      49361.6
RREF    1.45
P       6
M       11
Q       4
A       150.0
S      -0.5
RHO     1.082
B       3.69
C       0.4
PWR1    6
PWR2    8
PWR3    10
COEF1   3.1755E+4
COEF2   1.667E+5
COEF3   1.125E+6
NPHIS   32
PHI0    3.54289281000000E+00
PHI1   -5.41984130000000E+00
PHI2   -8.86976500000000E+00
PHI3   -2.93722400000000E+01
PHI4   -4.32900400000000E+01
PHI5   -7.13177000000000E+01
PHI6   -7.77911700000000E+01
PHI7    6.71510000000000E+01
PHI8   -3.51437300000000E+02
PHI9   -4.62131060000000E+03
PHI10   6.72490000000000E+02
PHI11   5.81178370000000E+04
PHI12   1.90159300000000E+04
PHI13  -4.78435670000000E+05
PHI14  -3.29985590000000E+05
PHI15   2.60051860000000E+06
PHI16   2.52642570000000E+06
PHI17  -9.62119030000000E+06
PHI18  -1.17913360000000E+07
PHI19   2.41995750000000E+07
PHI20   3.62543670000000E+07
PHI21  -4.01790300000000E+07
PHI22  -7.51160300000000E+07
PHI23   4.00889000000000E+07
PHI24   1.03908000000000E+08
PHI25  -1.61464000000000E+07
PHI26  -9.20420000000000E+07
PHI27  -9.93600000000000E+06
PHI28   4.71800000000000E+07
PHI29   1.41000000000000E+07
PHI30  -1.06400000000000E+07
PHI31  -4.70000000000000E+06

Potential function Marquardt

V(r)=T_{\rm e} + (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e})Y(r)^2,

which has the form of a Morse potential with a exponential tail and the distance-dependent damped exponent coefficient

:math:` Y(r) left( 1 - expleft{-beta_{rm M}(r) (r-r_{rm e})right} right) f_{rm Damp}(r) `

\beta_{\rm M}(r) =  \sum_{i=0} a_i y_p^{\rm eq}(r)^i,

expressed as a simple power series in the reduced variable:

y_p^{\rm e}(r) = \frac{r^p-r_{\rm e}^p}{r^p+r_{\rm e}^p}

with p as a parameter. The damping function is give by

f_{\rm Damp}(r) = ( 1.0+\epsilon_6*(-(r_s/r)^6) ) \left( 1+\epsilon_8*(-(r_s/r)^8) \right)


poten 2
name "a 3Piu"
symmetry u
type  Marquardt
lambda 1
mult   3
Te          0.81769829519421E+03
Re          0.13115676812526E+01
Ae          0.50960000000000E+05
RREF       -0.10000000000000E+01
PL          4
PR          4
NL          2
NR          3
eps6        2.0
eps8        1.0
rs          1.0
a0          0.21868146887665E+01
a1          0.88875855351916E-01
a2          0.84932592800179E-01
a3          0.23343175838290E+00

Taylor expansion around r_0:

V(r) = T_{\rm e} + (A_{\rm e} - T_{\rm e}) a_0^2 (r-r_0)^2 + (A_{\rm e} - T_{\rm e}) \left( p \frac{a_0 a_1}{r_e} - a_0^3 \right) (r-r_0)^3 + \cdots

Morse oscillator Morse

A polynomial expansion in the Morse variable y_{\rm M}=1-e^{-a(r-r_0)} is used

V(r)=T_{\rm e}+ (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e})  y_{\rm M}^2 +  \sum_{i=1}^N a_i \, y_{\rm M}^{i+2}.


poten 1
name "X 1Sigmag+"
symmetry g +
type   MORSE
lambda 0
mult   1
TE             0.00000000000000E+00
RE             0.12423216077595E+01
a              0.20372796052933E+01
AE             0.73955889175514E+05
A1            -0.62744302960091E+04
A2            -0.57683579529693E+04


V_(r)=T_{\rm e}+ (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e})  y_{\rm M}^2  + e^{-d_{\rm damp} (r-r_{\rm e})^4} \sum_{i=1} a_i  \left( \frac{r-r_{\rm e}}{r+r_{\rm e}} \right)^{i+2}.


poten 6
name "d 3Pig"
symmetry g
lambda 1
mult   3
type  Morse_damp
 Te      20121.09769
 re      0.12545760270976E+01
 Ae      0.50937907750000E+05        link   1   1   3
 a0      0.30398932686950E+01
 DAMP    0.10000000000000E-02
 a1      0.11437702960146E+05
 a2     -0.36585731834570E+03
 a3     -0.20920472718062E+05
 a4      0.90487097982036E-03
 a5      0.00000000000000E+00
 a6      0.00000000000000E+00
 a7      0.00000000000000E+00
 a8      0.00000000000000E+00


Alias MMorse

V_(r)=T_{\rm e}+ (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e}) \frac{ \left[ 1-\exp\left(-\sum_{i=0} a_i \xi^{i+1}\right)  \right]^2}{\left[ 1-\exp\left(-\sum_{i=0} a_i \right) \right]^2},

where \xi = (r-r_{\rm e})/(r+r_{\rm e}).


poten 8
name "Bp 1Sigmag+"
symmetry g +
lambda 0
mult   1
type  MMorse
Te            1.5408840263E+04
rE            1.3778208709E+00
Ae            5.0937907750E+04               link   1   1   3
a0            6.2733066935E+00
a1            1.4954972843E+01
a2            4.5160872659E+01

where the value A_{\rm e} is linked to the corresponding value of poten 1.


This keyword selects a polynomial expansion in the variable y=(r-r_0)

V(r) = T_{\rm e} + a_1 y + a_2 y^2 + \cdots


spin-orbit  2 2
name "<+1,S=1 (a3Pi)|LSZ|+1  (a3Pi),S=1>"
spin   1.0 1.0
sigma  1.0 1.0
lambda 1 1
type  polynom
factor   1
a0           14.97
re           1.3
a1           0.0

Taylor expansion around r_0: V(r) = T_{\rm e} + a_1 (r-r_0)^2 + a_2 (r-r_0)^2 + a_3 (r-r_0)^3  + \cdots

Dunham expansion

Dunham selects a polynomial expansion in the Dunham variable y=(r-r_0)/r_0

V(r) = T_{\rm e}+ a_0 y^2 \left( 1 + a_1 y + a_2 y^2 + \cdots \right)


poten 1
name "X 2 Delta"
lambda 2
mult   2 type   Dunham values
Te              0.00000
Re              1.4399282269779912
a0         123727.20496894409      (= omega**2 / 4 B)
a2             -2.31
a3              3.80
a4             -6.00
a5              5.00

Taylor expansion around r_0: V(r) = T_{\rm e} + \frac{a_0}{r_0^2} (r-r_0)^2 + \frac{a_0 a_1}{r_0^3} (r-r_0)^3 + \cdots

Simons, Parr and Finlan SPF

SPF selects a polynomial expansion in the the so-called Simons, Parr and Finlan variable y=(r-r_0)/r

V(r) = T_{\rm e} + a_0 y^2 \left( 1 + a_1 y + a_2 y^2 + \cdots \right)


poten 1
name "X 2Sigma+"
symmetry +
type   SPF
lambda 0
mult   2
Te         0.00000000000000E+00
RE         0.16292698613903E+01
a1         0.37922070444743E+06
a2         0.00000000000000E+00
a3        -0.53314483965665E+01
a4         0.00000000000000E+00
a5         0.19407192336518E+02
a4         0.00000000000000E+00
a5        -0.17800496953835E+03

Taylor expansion around r_0: V(r) = T_{\rm e} + \frac{a_0}{r_0^2} (r-r_0)^2 + \frac{a_0 a_1 - 2 a_0}{r_0^3} (r-r_0)^3 + \cdots

V(r) = T_{\rm e} + a_0 \left(1+\sum_{i=1}^N a_i\right) - \frac{a_0 r_0}{r} \left( 2+\sum_{i=1}^N (i+2)a_i \right ) + \cdots

where N is the maximum exponent included in the expansion. For long r the potential goes to a constant value; convergence to the constant is of the 1/r type (correct for ions but too slow for neutral molecules).

Behaviour for r \to 0

V(r) = a_0 a_N \left(\frac{r_0}{r}\right)^{N+2} + \cdots

The coefficient a_0 is definitely positive, but a_N can be positive and negative, so that V(r) can go to \pm \infty for short r.

Murrell-Sorbie M-S

V(r)=A_{\rm e}- (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e})\left( 1 + a_1 \rho + a_2 \rho^2 + a_3 \rho^3 + \ldots  \right) e^{-a_1 \rho}, ` where \rho = r-r_{\rm e}.


poten 4
name "B 2Sigma"
symmetry -
type  M-S  (Murrell-Sorbie)
lambda 0
mult   2
V0            21000.0
RE            1.6
DE            25653.27131
a1            2.81468
a2            1.68719
a3            0.757787
a4            -0.5963168
a5            -0.54596343
a6            0.20611664

Taylor expansion around r_0: V(r) = T_{\rm e} + \frac{A_\mathrm{e}-T_\mathrm{e}}{2} (a_1^2 - 2a_2) (r-r_0)^2 + \frac{A_\mathrm{e}-T_\mathrm{e}}{3} (a_1^3 -3a_1 a_2+3 a_3) (r-r_0)^3 + \cdots

Behaviour for r \to +\infty: V(r) = A_{\rm e} - a_N (A_\mathrm{e}-T_\mathrm{e}) (r-r_e)^N e^{-a_1 (r-r_e)} + \cdots ` where N is the maximum exponent included in the expansion. For long r the potential goes to the constant value A_\mathrm{e}, and the aymptotic behavior is determined by the coefficients of the term with the highest exponent.


This keyword selects an expansion in Chebyshev polynomials in the variable y= [r-(b+a)/2]/[(b-a)/2]. The scaled variable y ranges from -1 to 1 for r in [a,b]. The expansion is

V(r) = a_0 + a_1 T_1(y) + a_2 T_2(y) + \cdots


spin-orbit  2 2
name "<+1,S=1 (a3Pi)|LSZ|+1  (a3Pi),S=1>"
spin   1.0 1.0
type  chebyshev
factor   1
   a               0.80000000000000E+00
   b               0.26500000000000E+01
   A0             -0.25881057805341E+02
   A1              0.82258425882627E+01
   A2              0.52391700137878E+00
   A3              0.28483394288286E+01
   A4             -0.15136422837793E+00
   A5              0.97553692867070E-01
   A6             -0.25825811071417E+00
   A7             -0.69105144347567E-01
   A8             -0.44700771508442E-01
   A9              0.11793957297111E-01
   A10             0.16403055376257E-01
   A11             0.92509900186428E-02
   A12             0.50789943150707E-02
   A13            -0.39439903216016E-03


based on eq.(3) of https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2022.108255


This function can be used as a coupling for a diabatic representation of potentials characterised by an avoiding crossing and is given by: F(r)= F_0 + \frac{ \sum_{i=0}^N a_i \, (r-r_{\rm ref})^{i}.}{\cosh\beta(r-r_{\rm ref})} .


diabatic  1 8
name "<X1Sigmag+|D|Bp 1Sigmag+>"
spin   0.0 0.0
lambda  0  0
type  COSH-poly
factor    i   (0, 1 or i)
v0            0.0000
beta          5.62133
RE            1.610505
B0           -0.307997
B1            0.0000000000E+00
B2            0.0000000000E+00
BINF          0.0000000000E+00


A hyperbolic expansion used to represent repulsive potential functions:

:math:`V(r) = sum_{i=0}^N a_0 frac{1}{r^i}.


poten 2
name "b3Sigmau+"
lambda 0
symmetry + u
mult   3
 NREP         11
 V0           35000
 B1           0.00000000000000E+00
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 B3           0.00000000000000E+00
 B4           0.00000000000000E+00
 B5           0.00000000000000E+00
 B6           2.98088692713112e+05   fit
 B7           0.00000000000000E+00
 B8           0.00000000000000E+00
 B9           0.00000000000000E+00
 B10          0.00000000000000E+00


This function is similar to Surkus expansion F(r)=\sum^{N}_{k=0}B_{k}\, z^{k} (1-\xi_p) + \xi_p\, B_{\infty},

where z is either taken as the damped-coordinate given by:

z = (r-r_{\rm ref})\, e^{-\beta_2 (r-r_{\rm ref})^2-\beta_4 (r - r_{\rm ref})^4},

Here r_{\rm ref} is a reference position equal to r_{\rm e} by default and \beta_2 and \beta_4 are damping factors. When used for morphing, the parameter B_{\infty} is usually fixed to 1.


spin-orbit 6 6
name "<3Pi|LSZ|3Pi>"
spin 1 1
lambda 1 1
sigma  1 1
factor    i   (0, 1 or i)
<x|LZ|y>  -i -i
type polynom_decay_24
RE           1.52
BETA         8.00000000000000E-01
GAMMA        2.00000000000000E-02
P            6.00000000000000E+00
B0           1.000
B1           0.000
B2           0.000
B3           0.00000000000000
BINF         1.0


This CO PEC was used in Meshkov et. al, JQSRT, 217, 262 (2017) to compute energies of CO in its ground electronic state. All parameters are predefined internally.

Coupled functions with adiabatic avoided crossings


This is a combination of two coupled diabatic EMOs coupled with a function given COSH-POLY into adiabatic potentials. Only one of the two EMOS is requested via the last parameter COMPON.


poten 1
name "X1Sigmag+"
symmetry g +
lambda 0
mult   1
N 17
 V0           0.00000000000000E+00
 RE           1.24523246726220e+00   fit    (  1.24557289520164e+00)
 DE           5.09379077331962E+04
 RREF        -1.30000000000000E+00
 PL           4.00000000000000E+00
 PR           4.00000000000000E+00
 NL           1.00000000000000E+00
 NR           4.00000000000000E+00
 B0           2.46634378637660e+00   fit    (  2.46634099008862e+00)
 B1           2.12861537671055e-01   fit    (  2.13213572172644e-01)
 B2           3.68744269741852e-01   fit    (  3.67251371602415e-01)
 B3           2.79829009743158e-02   fit    (  3.08989242446331e-02)
 B4           0.00000000000000E+00
 V0           1.53096974359289E+04
 RE           1.37782087090000E+00
 DE           5.12700000000000E+04
 RREF         1.45000000000000E+00
 PL           6.00000000000000E+00
 PR           6.00000000000000E+00
 NL           2.00000000000000E+00
 NR           4.00000000000000E+00
 B0           1.69821419712600e+00   fit    (  1.69441561141992e+00)
 B1           8.82161990201937e-01   fit    (  8.75640185107701e-01)
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 B3           0.00000000000000E+00
 B4           0.00000000000000E+00
 V0           0.00000000000000E+00
 BETA        -4.06826947563977E-01
 RE           1.61000000000000E+00
 B0           1.69000000000000E+03
 B1           0.00000000000000E+00
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 COMPON       1.00000000000000E+00


This is a combination of a EMO and a repulsive diabatic potential coupled by a COSH-POLY function into adiabatic potentials. Only one of the two adiabatic components is requested via the last parameter COMPON.


poten 2
name "A1Pi"
lambda 1
mult   1
 V0           2.37503864856843e+04   fit    (  2.37512779848526e+04)
 RE           1.6483281182                  (  1.73436012667172e+00)
 DE           2.84148346146689E+04
 RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
 PB           4.00000000000000E+00
 PU           4.00000000000000E+00
 NSPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
 NLPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
 B0           2.33710099174412e+00   fit    (  2.34057128807870e+00)
 B1           0.00000000000000E+00
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 B3           0.00000000000000E+00
 B4           0.00000000000000E+00
 NREP         1.10000000000000E+01
 V0           2.55900000000000E+04
 B1           0.00000000000000E+00
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 B3           0.00000000000000E+00
 B4           0.00000000000000E+00
 B5           0.00000000000000E+00
 B6           2.98032773475875e+05   fit    (  2.98032773545535e+05)
 B7           0.00000000000000E+00
 B8           0.00000000000000E+00
 B9           0.00000000000000E+00
 B10          0.00000000000000E+00
 V0           0.00000000000000E+00
 BETA         2.00000000000000E-01
 RE           2.20000000000000E+00
 B0           9.83507743432739E+02
 B1           0.00000000000000E+00
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 COMPON       1.00000000000000E+00


This form is used to couple two Surkus-like expansion into one adiabatic representation using two diabatic functions f_1(r) and f_2(r) coupled by a switching function. The two diabatic curves are give by BobLeroy while the switching function is given by

f(r)^{\rm switch} = \frac{ 1+\tanh(a_s (r-r_s))}{2}

The switch is given by

F(r) = f(r)^{\rm switch} f_2+f_1 (1-f(r)^{\rm switch})


F(r) = f(r)^{\rm switch} f_1+f_2 (1-f(r)^{\rm switch})

depending on the component requested.


spin-orbit-x  3 3
name "<A2Pi|LSZ|A2Pi>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda  1  1
sigma  0.5 0.5
units  cm-1
factor    -i   (0, 1 or i)
<x|Lz|y>  -i -i
 RE           1.79280000000000E+00
 RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
 P            1.00000000000000E+00
 NT           2.00000000000000E+00
 B0           2.15270130472980E+02
 B1           0.0000
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 BINF         190.000
 RE           1.79280000000000E+00
 RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
 P            1.00000000000000E+00
 NT           2.00000000000000E+00
 B0          -13.000
 B1           0.0000
 B2           0.00000000000000E+00
 BINF         0.00
 r0           1.995
 a0           100.0
 COMPON       1.00000000000000E+00

EHH: Extended Hulburt-Hirschfelde

This form uis used for PEFs given by

V^{\rm EHH}(r)=T_{\rm e} + (A_{\rm e}-T_{\rm e}) \left[\left(1-e^{-q}\right)^2 + cq^3\left(1+\sum_{i=1}^N b_i q^i \right) e^{-2q}\right],

where q = \alpha \left(r-r_\textrm{e}\right). See Medvedev and Ushakov J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 288, 108255 (2022).


poten 1
name "X1Sigma+"
symmetry +
lambda 0
mult   1
type   EHH
  TE        0.00000000000000E+00
  RE        0.149086580348419329D+01
  AE        0.519274276353915047D+05
  alpha     0.221879954515301936D+01
  c         0.948616297258670499D-01
  B1        0.100084121923090996D+01
  B2        0.470612349534084318D+00
  B3        0.890787339171956738D-01

Generic two-state coupled adiabatic potential

Any three single functions implemented in Duo can be used to form a coupled 2x2 system to form PEC with avoiding crossings. This is done using the types Coupled-PEC or COUPLED-PEC-BETA, together with sub-types specifying three functions required to form a coupled system, PEC1, PEC2 and Coupling12. This form also requires that the corresponding numbers of parameters are specified using Nparameters. As above, the last parameter is reserved for the component index (1,2) referring to the adiabatic potential. Here is an example of an adiabatic potential with an avoiding crossing formed from a 2x2 ‘diabatic’ system, an EMO potential, a repulsive potential and an (inverted) EMO used as a coupling (from an AlH model):

poten A
name "A1Pi"
lambda 1
mult   1
type  coupled
sub-types EMO repulsive EMO
Nparameters 13  12 13
V0           2.36706506146433e+04
RE           1.64813484193969e+00
DE           50915.756
RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
PB           4.00000000000000E+00
PU           4.00000000000000E+00
NSPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
NLPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
B0           2.23877956276444e+00
B1           0.000000000000000000
B2          -2.55686572909604e-01
B3           0.00000000000000E+00
B4           0.00000000000000E+00
NREP         11
V0           2.55900000000000E+04
B1           0.00000000000000E+00
B2           0.00000000000000E+00
B3           0.00000000000000E+00
B4           0.00000000000000E+00
B5           0.00000000000000E+00
B6           3.56560923385944e+05
B7           0.00000000000000E+00
B8           0.00000000000000E+00
B9           0.00000000000000E+00
B10          0.00000000000000E+00
V0           6.38813113973348e+03
RE           2.02137412627653e+00
AE           0.000000000000000000
RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
PB           4.00000000000000E+00
PU           4.00000000000000E+00
NSPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
NLPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
B0           1.84063793349509e+00
B1           0.000000000000000000
B2           3.33171505629389e-03
B3           0.00000000000000E+00
B4           0.00000000000000E+00
COMPON       1

Here, the keyword sub-type is used to specify the corresponding functions in the form of PEC1 PEC2 COUPLING (COUPLED-PEC) or PEC1 PEC2 BETA (COUPLED-PEC-BETA), where PEC1, PEC2, COUPLING and BETA are any functions implemented in Duo, e.g. EMO, Lorentzian etc. In the case of the type COUPLED-PEC, the coupling D(r) is defined explicitly, while for COUPLED-PEC-BETA, it is generated using the transformation angle \beta(r):

D(r) = \frac{1}{2}\tan(2\beta(r)) (V_2(r)-V_1(r)),

where V_1(r) and V_2(r) are PEC1 and PEC2, respectively.

An example of the COUPLED-PEC-BETA input for a potential, produced by the coupling of an EMO, REPULSIVE and a diabatic coupling function D(r) defined via the \beta(r) from a Lorentzian form BETA_LORENTZ:

poten A
name "A1Pi"
lambda 1
mult   1
type  coupled-pec-beta
sub-types EMO repulsive BETA_LORENTZ
Nparameters 13  12 2
V0           2.36706506146433e+04   fit    (  2.36695116221313e+04)
RE           1.64813484193969e+00   fit    (  1.64805055140387e+00)
DE           50915.756
RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
PB           4.00000000000000E+00
PU           4.00000000000000E+00
NSPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
NLPHI        4.00000000000000E+00
B0           2.23877956276444e+00   fit    (  2.23878305838811e+00)
B1           0.000000000000000000             (  3.41737763224365e-01)
B2          -2.55686572909604e-01   fit    ( -2.59129061999807e-01)
B3           0.00000000000000E+00
B4           0.00000000000000E+00
NREP         11
V0           2.55900000000000E+04
B1           0.00000000000000E+00
B2           0.00000000000000E+00
B3           0.00000000000000E+00
B4           0.00000000000000E+00
B5           0.00000000000000E+00
B6           3.56560923385944e+05   fit    (  3.56503862575298e+05)
B7           0.00000000000000E+00
B8           0.00000000000000E+00
B9           0.00000000000000E+00
B10          0.00000000000000E+00
gamma        0.025
RE           2.0452
COMPON       1.00000000000000E+00

Here, the first (lowest) component is produced.

Generic two-state coupled adiabatic transition curves (dipoles, spin-orbit, etc)

Similarity to the generic COUPLED-PEC-BETA functional form used to represent adiabatic PECs from diabatic functions, COUPLED-TRANSIT-BETA form is used to create non-diagonal adiabatic transition curves (e.g. dipole) from two diabatic curves and a unitary transformation as follows. Here, only one of the two states (bra or ket) describes a coupled 2-state system, another one is assumed a single state. Any two single functions designed for transition and coupling properties implemented in Duo can be used to form such a coupled representation, while the last one should be a function describing the transformation angle \beta(r). This form also requires that the corresponding numbers of parameters are specified using Nparameters. As in other similar adiabatic forms, the last parameter is reserved for the component-index (1,2) referring to the adiabatic state in question. Here is an example of a dipole moment in the adiabatic representation of CH formed from two diabatic bobleroy` DMCs and \beta(r) in the form of a Lorentzian-type form BETA_Lorentz:

dipole X C
name "<X2Pi|DMX|C2Sigma>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda  1 0
type  coupled-transit-beta
sub-types bobleroy bobleroy BETA_Lorentz
Nparameters 7 7 2
RE           1.4
RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
P            4
NT           1
B0           0.71
B1           0.09
BINF         0.00000000000000E+00
RE           1.27
RREF        -1.00000000000000E+00
P            5
NT           1
B0           0.85
B1           0.17
BINF         0.00000000000000E+00
gamma        0.2
RE           1.6566449350
COMPON       1

Here, the first (lowest) component is produced. The keyword sub-type is used to specify the corresponding functions in the form of DMC1 DMC2 BETA, where DMC1, DMC2 and BETA are any functions implemented in Duo, e.g. boblery, beta_Lorentzian etc. The transformation from f_1^{\rm 1} and f_2^{\rm a} from f_1^{\rm d} and f_2^{\rm d} is via the transformation angle \beta(r) is defined as follows

 f_1^{\rm a}(r) &= \cos\beta f_1^{\rm d}-\sin\beta f_2^{\rm d}, \\
 f_2^{\rm a}(r) &= \sin\beta f_1^{\rm d}+\cos\beta f_2^{\rm d},

and COMPON =1,2 is to select f_1^{\rm 1} or f_2^{\rm a}, respectively.

Other functional forms

Surkus-polynomial expansion Surkus (BobLeroy)

(alias BobLeroy)

V(r) = (1-y_p^{\textrm{eq}}) \sum_{i\ge 0} a_i [y_p^{\textrm{eq}}]^i + y_p^{\textrm{eq}} a_{\rm inf},

where y_p^{\textrm{eq}} is the Surkus variable with r_\textrm{ref} = r_\textrm{eq}

y_p^{\textrm{ref}} = \frac{r^q - r_\textrm{ref}^q}{r^q + r_\textrm{ref}^q}

and a_{\rm inf} is the asymptote of the potential at r\to \infty.

See also Eq.(36) in R. Le Roy, JQSRT 186, 167 (2017)


Bob-Rot  1 1
name "<a2Pi|BR|a2Pi>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda 1 1
factor    1.0   (0, 1 or i)
 re         0.17700000000000E+01
 rref      -0.10000000000000E+01
 P          0.20000000000000E+01
 NT         0.30000000000000E+01
 a0        -0.63452015232176E+02
 a1        -0.20566444179565E+01
 a2        -0.13784613913938E+02
 a3         0.00000000000000E+00
 ainf      -0.56030500000000E+02

Surkus-damp (alias BobLeroy_damp)

Surkus-polynomial expansion with a damping function:

V(r) =  T_{\rm e} + \left[ (1-y_p^{\textrm{eq}}) \sum_{i\ge 0} a_i [y_p^{\textrm{eq}}]^i + y_p^{\textrm{eq}} a_{\rm inf}\right] f^{\rm damp} + t^{\rm damp} (1- f^{\rm damp}),

where the damping function is defined by f^{\rm damp} = 1-\tanh[\alpha(r-r_0)], and t^{\rm damp}, r_0 and \alpha are parameters.


Bob-Rot  2 2
name "<a2Pi|BR|+1a2Pi>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda 1 1
type  BOBLEROY_damp
factor    1.0   (0, 1 or i)
re         0.17700000000000E+01
rref      -0.10000000000000E+01
P          0.20000000000000E+01
NT         0.30000000000000E+01
a0        -0.63452015232176E+02
a1        -0.20566444179565E+01
a2        -0.13784613913938E+02
a3         0.00000000000000E+00
ainf      -0.56030500000000E+02
tdamp      0.00000000000000E+00
r0         0.10000000000000E+01
alpha      0.30000000000000E+01


This function is a polynomial F(r)=\sum^{N}_{k=0} a_{k}\, y^{k} , in terms of the dimensionless variable y = \frac{r-r_{\rm e}}{r_{\rm e}}.

The order of the parameters in the input is as follows a_0,r_{\rm e}, a_1,a_2, \ldots


dipole 1 1
name "L_2015"
spin   0.0 0.0
lambda  0  0
 re   1.12832252847d0
 a0   -0.1229099d0
 a1    3.604742d0
 a2   -0.23716d0
 a3   -3.67326d0
 a4    1.4892d0
 a5    1.8293d0
 a6   -4.342d0


\mu(r) = \left[P(a_i,y) + a_3/2  \right] \frac{z^3}{1+z^7},


z = \frac{r}{r_0},

y = \frac{z-1}{z+1},

and P(a_i,y) is a Tchebychev polynomial i = 1\ldots N with a_1 = -1 and a_2 = 1.

See Goodisman, J. Chem. Phys. 38, 2597 (1963).


dipole  1 1
name "<X,2Pi|DMC|X,2Pi>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda  1  1
factor   1   (0, 1 or i)
type       PADE_GOODISMAN2
 RE           1.15078631518530E+00
 B0          -2.36079498085387E+02  fit
 B1           4.85159555273498E+02  fit
 B2          -3.47080753964755E+02  fit
 B3          -2.26690920882569E+02  fit
 B4          -3.56214508402034E+02  fit
 B5          -4.58074282025620E+02  fit
 B6          -4.01237658286301E+02  fit


Dipole moment function:

\mu(r) = \frac{\left[1-\exp(-r \alpha)\right]^n}{\sqrt{\left(r^2-r_1^2\right)^2+b_1^2} \sqrt{\left(r^2-r_2^2\right)^2+b_2^2}}\sum_{i=0}^kc_i\left(1-2e^{- r\beta}\right)^i.


dipole  1 1
name "<X1Sigma+|dmz|X1Sigma+>"
spin   0 0
lambda  0  0
 alpha   0.528882306544608771D+00
 beta    0.174842312392832677D+01
 r1      0.367394402167278311D+00
 b1      0.126545114816554061D+00
 r2      0.226658916500257268D+01
 b2      0.263188285464316518D+01
 n       5
 c0      0.954686180104024606D+04
 c1     -0.100829376358086127D+06
 c2      0.343009094395974884D+06
 c3     -0.593296257373294560D+06
 c4      0.574050119444558513D+06
 c5     -0.296914092409155215D+06
 c6      0.644340312384712088D+05

Mass-dependent BOB non-adiabatic Surkus-polynomial expansion BOBNA


F(r) =  (1-y_p^{\textrm{eq}}) t(r) + y_p^{\textrm{eq}} t_{\rm inf},

where y_p^{\textrm{eq}} is the Surkus variable, t(r) is given by

t(r) = \mu_a \sum_{i\geq 0} a_i [y_p^{\textrm{eq}}]^i + \mu_b \sum_{i\geq 0} b_i [y_p^{\textrm{eq}}]^i,

t_{\rm inf} is the asymptote of the potential at r\to \infty as given by

:math:`t_{rm inf} = mu_a a_{rm inf} + mu_b b_{rm inf} `.

The mass-dependent factors are given by

\mu_a = M_a/M_a^{\rm ref}

\mu_b = M_b/M_b^{\rm ref}

where M_a^{\rm ref} and M_b^{\rm ref} are the reference masses of the parent isotopologue.


Bob-Rot  1 1
name "<a2Pi|BR|a2Pi>"
spin   0.5 0.5
lambda 1 1
type  BOBNA
factor    1.0   (0, 1 or i)
 re         0.17700000000000E+01
 Maref         1.0000
 Ma            1.0000
 Mbref         12.000
 Mb            12.000
 P          0.20000000000000E+01
 NTa        0.30000000000000E+01
 NTb        0.30000000000000E+01
 a0        -0.63452015232176E+02
 a1        -0.20566444179565E+01
 a2        -0.13784613913938E+02
 a3         0.00000000000000E+00
 ainf      -0.56030500000000E+02
 b0        -0.63452015232176E+02
 b1        -0.20566444179565E+01
 b2        -0.13784613913938E+02
 b3         0.00000000000000E+00
 binf      -0.56030500000000E+02

Diabatic/non-adiabatic couplings


Alias is LORENTZIAN. A Lorentzian type function used to represent the diabatic coupling:

f(r) = y_0 + 2\frac{f_0(r)}{\pi} \frac{\gamma}{4 (r-r_0)^2+\gamma^2},


f_0(r) = \sum_{i=0}^N a_i (r-r_0)^i


diabatic A C
name "<A|diab|C>"
lambda 1
mult   2
type  Lorentz
 V0           0.000000000000000000
 RE           1.98
 gamma        0.05
 a0           1.58


Alias is LORENTZIAN-SURKUS. A slightly different Lorentzian function combined with a Sukrus expansion as follows:

f(r) = \frac{1}{2}  \frac{\gamma }{(r-r_0)^2+\gamma^2} f_{\rm S}(r),


f_{\rm S}(r) = 1 + \sum_{i=1}^N a_i \left[\frac{(r^p-r_0^p)}{(r^p+r_0^p)}\right]^i.


diabatic A C
name "<A|diab|C>"
lambda 1
mult   2
type  Lorentz-Surkus
 gamma        0.05
 RE           1.98
 p            4
 a1           0.1
 a2           0.004



A square-root of a Lorentzian type function used to represent the diabatic coupling:

f(r) = y_0 + f_0(r) \sqrt{2\frac{1}{\pi} \frac{\gamma}{4 (r-r_0)^2+\gamma^2}},


f_0(r) = \sum_{i=0}^N a_i (r-r_0)^i


diabatic 3 5
name "<A|diab|C>"
lambda 1
mult   2
type  sqrt(Lorentz)
 V0           0.000000000000000000
 RE           1.98
 gamma        0.05
 a0           1.58

Generic diabatic coupling using the angle \beta

As discussed above, a diabatic coupling funciton can be generated from two diabatic PECs and a transformation angle \beta(r) type as given by

D(r) = \frac{1}{2}\tan(2\beta(r)) (V_2(r)-V_1(r)),

using the COUPLED-DIABATIC, where \beta(r) can be any function sub-type. For example: :

diabatic A C name “<A|diab|C>” lambda 1 mult 2 factor 1.0 type coupled-diabatic sub-types BETA_Lorentz factor 1.0 values gamma 2.75474715845893e-03 RE 2.02 end

is to generate a diabatic coupling generated from PEC A, PEC B (defined in the corresponding POTENTIAL sections) and a BETA_Lorentz function.

Implementation guide

All these analytical functions are programmed as Fortran double precision functions in the module functions.f90.

Below is an example of a function for the EMO potential energy function.

function poten_EMO(r,parameters) result(f)
  real(rk),intent(in)    :: r             ! geometry (Ang)
  real(rk),intent(in)    :: parameters(:) ! potential parameters
  real(rk)               :: y,v0,r0,de,f,rref,z,phi
  integer(ik)            :: k,N,p
  v0 = parameters(1)
  r0 = parameters(2)
  ! Note that the De is relative the absolute minimum of the ground state
  De = parameters(3)-v0
  rref = parameters(4)
  if (rref<=0.0_rk) rref = r0
  if (r<=rref) then
    p = nint(parameters(5))
    N = parameters(7)
    p = nint(parameters(6))
    N = parameters(8)
  if (size(parameters)/=8+max(parameters(7),parameters(8))+1) then
    write(out,"('poten_EMO: Illegal number of parameters in EMO, check NS and NL, must be max(NS,NL)+9')")
    stop 'poten_EMO: Illegal number of parameters, check NS and NL'
  z = (r**p-rref**p)/(r**p+rref**p)
  phi = 0
  do k=0,N
   phi = phi + parameters(k+9)*z**k
  y  = 1.0_rk-exp(-phi*(r-r0))
  f = de*y**2+v0
end function poten_EMO

To define a new functional form, apart from the actual function, a new reference case identifying this calculation options needs to be added as part of the case select section in the subroutine define_analytical_field, for example:

case("EMO") ! "Expanded MorseOscillator"
  fanalytical_field => poten_EMO